Use Your Senses When Designing your Bags this Holiday

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Use Your Senses When Designing your Bags this Holiday

A hand across smooth, silky paper. The smell of fresh printing. The feel of a well-crafted handle in your hand. The sound of a new sweater slid into a crisp bag. Quality lies in the details. Unlock the powers of a great shopping bag this holiday season by using your senses.

Are you in the process of restocking your supply of shopping bags, and you are unsure of where to begin? Fast Printing is here to help. We are specialists in the design and printing of standout custom bags and tags and are passionate about the powerful effect the senses can have on the experience of a shopping bag.

Spending money to make money

It’s a common misconception that spending money on custom shopping bags is a luxury, rather than a necessity. But the truth is – spending time and effort on making beautiful shopping bags that stand out – and stand out to the right audiences – is key to sticking in the mind of your customer post-sale. This is because so much of our decision-making happens on a subliminal level.

A luxe bag is something your customer will appreciate and remember – and may make your store at the forefront of their mind when they’re going shopping later. Customers may even keep it, or (if it’s a present) use the bag itself as wrapping.

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Win over customers by courting their senses

Beyond looking great, there’s so much that goes into making a great shopping bag. We know that unlocking the powers of the senses is one of the most important choices you can make.

Sight: Make sure your bag is pristine upon inspection. Working with a quality-minded printing company will ensure a top-notch result.

Touch: really consider the material you use for your bag to unlock the powers of touch. How? Consider a smooth paper bag with a glossy design, or indented text printed onto it, and a well-crafted handle. These can create interesting features for fingers to roam.

Hearing: When choosing your bag material – consider the way it sounds when unfolded, when products are put inside it and so on.

Smell: Who doesn’t love the smell of books and printing? If your bags are fresh off the press let the smell of newly printed ink speak for itself. For a smell that’s distinct to your shop, consider investing in a spritzing bottle of a refreshing essential oil. Smell is the sense with the strongest link to long-term memory, so use it to your advantage.

Taste: as a bonus, why not offer something sweet like a small chocolate or mint before waving your customer goodbye?

Discuss your options with a bag printing company such as Fast Printing

With all these benefits coming along with investing in shopping bags, there’s no reason why you should stick to a generic plastic bag. A professional printing company can help you bring your ideas to life and craft a complete sensory experience from such a small thing as a product bag. Think big!

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